Homegrown Champions
Our two oldest received Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Homegrown hogs at our county fair. This is the class we are most excited to place in because this is what we strive for on our farm: sound hogs that hold up well in the ring for us and for other exhibitors. Plus, they finish out well with high end quality for our customers.
Why Eight Plates Farm Hogs?
On our farm we have been raising hogs for 40 years. When my dad first started out he was a spry 18 year old (actually he’s still crazy spry) He had a great FFA advisor that helped him get started into the hog industry, and the rest is history. There have been many improvements on the farm, and during the last 15 years we’ve definitely focused on our own genetics in building a sound herd with desirable characteristics. Our herd consists of many crossbreds, with an emphasis on Hampshires. You will find Hereford and Duroc crossbreds as well. We farrow January-September with a concentration of baby piglets being born in January and February for those that would like to purchase hogs for show, especially for county fairs and beyond. We artificially inseminate and also use a herd boar to bring out the best hogs we can for our farm and others.
Contact us:
To reserve a spot for you show/exhibition hog please contact us at the following numbers: We will put your name and number on our master list and contact you when the hogs are available for pick up. All hogs sold for fair exhibition are $175. These hogs have been vaccinated and tagged for exhibition.
Eight Plates Farm:
Carla Schultz 989.553.2295
Mitch LaBair 989.882.3166
Farm Number 989.843.6253
**We will start selling hogs off the farm starting in March. Preview is available upon request. Please call for an appointment time.
Winners from other counties::
Here are some pics of banners from other county and show exhibitors with some winners from Eight Plates Farm/LaBair show hogs.